

Dear Fellow Revivers,

By now, many of you will have noticed that change has been afoot here at A GRAND REVIVAL.  Over the last week, I have been playing around with a new theme, reformatting (or at least attempting to reformat) my posts and pages, and contemplating the direction I wish the blog to go.  I ask for your patience during this time.  Change is not always easy, but we will get through this together (hahaha).

Thanks so much for your support and understanding.

Warm Regards,

Revival Girl

Need some relevant music to listen to while reading the rest of this post???  Of course you do!  Click here for David Bowie’s classic, “Changes”.

I have to say, I really like change — well, good change at least.  Ever have one of those years where your whole world turns upside down, and life as you know it suddenly changes (and not in a good way)?  I have. Mine was 2011 — the year of unprecedented change (and again, not the good kind). I pinky-swear (or pinky-square, if you’re my son Liam) that I will open up about the events of my last year, and finally get around to expressing how starting this blog has helped me pull out of a pretty dark place, later this week.

For now though, I will focus more on the sunnier side of the street.

As I just mentioned, I am usually a lover of changing things up a bit.  Change is the spice of life, or so they say.  In my mind, most positive change is born out of decision-making — born of action and choice.  For example, deciding to leave a job or relationship that makes you miserable, or is unhealthy, will often have positive implications in the long run.  Or, just say you choose to fix up your home in some way — give it a new coat of paint, update the furniture and appliances, clean out your closet —  this type of change usually leads to something positive.

By contrast, negative changes often occur when you feel like you have very little control over the situation (which is how I felt for most of last year).  This year, however, is a different story — 2012 has been a year of positive change for me.  And why?  Because I finally took a some baby steps that helped me get back in the saddle, grab the reigns, and slowly make my way down a brighter path.    

Like this, remember…

Yep, seeing Carmen Electra riding bareback in a bikini is still really funny (FYI — This image was used in one of my first posts, My “Grand Revival” ).

I guess what I am trying to get at is this: there is a lot in life (and I mean A LOT) that we have little or no control over.  This doesn’t mean that everything that happens to us, or all the little, and not so little, changes that occur in our lives, will necessarily be negative or bad.  However, when things do go spiraling out of control, when life throws you a curve ball, you do have some level of control.

That’s right folks — you can CHANGE your life for the better. I’m not saying that it will come easy, but with patience, an open mind and heart, and determination (or moxy, as I like to say), YOU can create the positive change you wish to see in your life…like completely reviving your out-dated, century-old Gothic Revival cottage, and overcoming mild depression, loneliness, and fear in the process. Way to go, you!

Okay, enough serious talk…let’s tackle something a wee bit more simple and fun.

HEY PEEPS — speaking of changes, I would really appreciate some feedback regarding two particular issues pertaining to the development of A GRAND REVIVAL.  If you could take a quick second or two to answer the following questions, I would be much obliged.

Feel free to vote more than once on the next poll, if you have a few changes you would like to see more of. Or push ALL OF THE ABOVE, if you want to see more of everything.

Thanks so much for your input. Revive ya later!


Image of Change Ahead Sign found here and of Carmen Electra here.